This happens to me a lot. *yawn*
In the evening, I sit with a good book in my hand, or I work, or I stare at the TV and I struggle to keep my eyes open. I go to bed and, hey presto, I'm wide awake. Yep, like magic. I could party till dawn. My mind is the most active it's been all day and insists on toying with such things as The Meaning of Life at the same time as Did I Let the Cat Out? So I sit up and read for a while or I listen to something wonderfully relaxing on my iPod. *yawn* I settle down and I'm back on the Meaning of Life. I can go for days/weeks like this.
Result? When morning finally arrives, I am evil. Really evil. I resemble the living dead.
I've tried counting sheep (whoever thought up that one?), reading before bed, taking a hot bath before bed, eating turkey, drinking chamomile tea - nothing works. A lot of people say you should drink a glass of milk before going to bed but, ugh. I hate milk. I drink my coffee black and only have a tiny splash in my tea. Nasty, horrid stuff.
So, dear friends, I come to you for help. Do you ever suffer from insomnia and do you have any tips? I shall be pathetically grateful to receive any advice. Thank you.