This Writer's Life...


My visitors have gone home, the house feels very quiet and empty and I'm back at my desk - for today, at least. It's always wonderful to catch up with family but the time goes far too quickly.

Now that I've dusted off the desk, I should be getting lots of words done on the current story but I'm too excited to settle to anything. You see, I quickly checked my emails on Saturday morning and one immediately caught my attention. …

Away again...

I seem to have been on one long holiday lately. And I'm off again. The downside is that no passports or bottles of sun lotion will be necessary. The upside is that I have family visiting from Orkney which is very exciting. I won't be near the computer though so, if you email me, please bear with me. I'll get to you eventually.

It's just dawned on me that the release of Dying Art is only 3 weeks away. …

That jump!

Unsurprisingly, everyone's talking about Felix Baumgartner and That Jump today. Like millions of people all over the world, we were glued to the screen from four o'clock yesterday afternoon. All sorts of records were broken and it was a privilege to watch the entire thing live. (If you missed it, you can watch it here.)

However, it made me feel extremely queasy. I mean - really. How does a man travel 24 miles up from earth in a small capsule attached to a balloon made out of material that looks no thicker than a carrier bag, emerge onto an 

Here's a funny thing...

I have a puppy. Did I mention that? Ha. Well, having a puppy is almost a full-time job which means I'm getting very little time for writing. But bizarrely, I'm getting more words written. I know that back when Adam was a lad, when I could only write in the evenings, I was very productive. When I had the luxury of being able to write full-time, the output dropped considerably. I can only assume it's because while I'm doing other things, like stopping a puppy chewing everything, my subconscious is working away on the current story. …

Thank you, book people

I want to thank everyone who's offered to read and review my November release, Dying Art. I really appreciate it - especially as sending the right file format for all these different e-readers can be a pain. Thank you. The file has gone to a few people and the rest of you should receive it today or tomorrow.

Yes, there's still plenty of time for those of you who haven't contacted me and would like to read a digital copy of

© Shirley Wells 2016