What a productive weekend I had. I abandoned the desk for the day on Friday but I got a lot done over the weekend so I'm feeling suitably smug.
In the midst of all this productivity, I suddenly realised that Easter was almost upon us. I've known for months that it's coming, since January when the first eggs appeared in the shops, but I didn't realise it was so close. I had eggs to buy so I dealt with those. Then I started the hint dropping. This usually starts with me saying "You haven't forgotten my egg, have you?" to which the usual response is a "Do I have to buy you an egg?". An outraged "Yes, of course you do. What sort of husband doesn't buy his wife an egg?" follows. I then check out the eggs in shops we pass and say "I don't want one of those…" or "That's a nice one…". (All diets are cancelled for Easter, by the way.)
Unfortunately, I missed this one until it was too late:

Isn't it fantastic? Chocolatiers at William Curley created a world record for the most expensive non-jewelled egg with this one. It weighs in at a modest 110 pounds and is decorated with gold leaf. It sold for £7,000 as part of the Faberge Big Egg Hunt charity.
This one comes from the lovely Betty's:

It has to be specially ordered so I'm too late. Darn it. It's a snip at a mere £195 too.
Hotel Chocolat always comes good:

And I do love an Easter bunny, especially a Lindt Easter bunny:

I appreciate that I haven't totally conjured up the true meaning of Easter here but while I rarely discuss religion or politics on this blog, I am partial to a good debate on chocolate. So - do any of these take your fancy? Which would you choose? Will you be scoffing eggs this Easter?