I can't tell you how pleased I am to welcome author Toni Anderson to my blog today. Not only is she a fantastic writer, she's a thoroughly lovely person.
Take it away, Toni.

Thanks, Shirley, for having me on your blog today.
One of the hardest things for me as a writer in a global market is trying to bridge the gap between the US and UK reader. I spend a lot of time trying to remember who has windscreens and who has windshields, who has a trunk versus a boot, and trying to figure out when I call someone a wanker if they’ll be amused or offended.
I’m definitely of the belief you can’t please everyone and I don’t really try to, but I do try and make it as easy as possible for the reader to understand.
My heroes... they aren’t really your typical romance heroes. I mean they have muscles, and are seriously good looking, and brave and would die for the women they love. But they do bad things. They don’t just bend the rules, they crush them. I think they’re more human because of it but some readers have trouble getting past minor details like breaking and entering, pick pocketing, drinking too much...the list goes on. I think in some ways this is another transatlantic dilemma. I struggle with the image of the picture-perfect romance hero. I believe that flaws are what make people beautiful. I don’t trust perfection. I don’t even believe perfection exists without flaw. Which means, conversely, that my heroes ARE, in fact, perfect.
Check out my latest perfectly flawed hero in EDGE OF SURVIVAL.

EDGE OF SURVIVAL (November 21st, 2011)
Foreword by Brenda Novak
Dr. Cameran Young knew her assignment wouldn't be easy. As lead biologist on the Environment Impact Assessment team, her findings would determine the future of a large mining project in the northern Canadian bush. She expected rough conditions and hostile miners—but she didn't expect to find a dead body her first day on the job.
Former SAS Sergeant Daniel Fox forged a career as a helicopter pilot, working as far from the rest of the human race as possible. The thrill of flying makes his civilian life bearable, and he lives by his mantra: don't get involved. But when he's charged with transporting the biologist to her research vessel, he can't help but get involved in the murder investigation—and with Cameran, who awakens emotions he's desperate to suppress.
In the harsh and rugged wilderness, Daniel and Cameran must battle their intense and growing attraction while keeping ahead of a killer who will stop at nothing to silence her…
My heroine has diabetes and I'm donating 15% of my royalties to diabetes research.
Available from Carina Press, Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk and Barnes & Noble.
Read an excerpt here
Toni Anderson is a former Marine Biologist turned Romantic Suspense writer who now lives in the Canadian prairies with her husband and two children. Her stories are set in the stunning locations where she’s been lucky enough to live and work—the blustery east coast of Scotland, the remote isolated mining communities of Northern Labrador, the rugged landscapes of the U.S. and Australia. Check out Toni’s website for a list of current titles, her blog and Facebook Author Page for writing news and her personal Facebook page and Twitter for constant nonsensical chatter. She is also part of a wonderful group blog—Not Your Usual Suspects. Come introduce yourself.
Thanks so much for dropping in, Toni!
(Toni won't blow her own trumpet so I'm doing it for her. I was lucky enough to get my hands on an eARC of Edge of Survival and it's a terrific read. I was hooked from first word to last. If you think I'm saying that because Toni's a friend, think again. The book was reviewed on USA Today no less and they agreed with me. You can read the review here. Oh, and don't be offended if Toni calls you a wanker…:o))