This time last week, I was freezing. I even put the heating on. This week has come as a total shock then. People in Lancashire are wandering around with dazed expressions wondering if the end of the world is nigh. It's hot and sunny. Seriously hot and sunny. It takes us by surprise and - I hate to say this - it doesn't feel right. For one thing, I'm sitting at my desk in a dress. I know, I know. I can't remember when I wasn't slobbing around in jeans and sweaters. It's not great for writing either. Thankfully, Dying Art landed on my editor's desk on Wednesday. Yay. The edits should be with me by Monday morning. Boo. But I can't dream up murder and mayhem when the sun's shining. I need torrential rain, gale force winds, the odd snowdrift...

I'm not complaining though. I'm sure I'll have all the elements necessary for conjuring up fictional dark deeds in a few days.
If I say that Lancashire has been in the (very) low 80s Fahrenheit, many of you will think it's positively chilly. How hot - or cold - is it with you? Are you a heat seeker or a snow lover? I'm a snow lover really but I am enjoying this unexpected warmth.
Have a great weekend, all, whatever the temperature is!