First, I must say a huge thank you to everyone who made Silent Witness's release day (week) such fun. A special thank you must go to the wonderfully supportive group of authors published by Carina Press. Great publisher and lovely authors.
I decided against a blog tour with this book mainly because I think people get sick of hearing about one book. There's a blog tour on at the moment and it seems that everywhere I turn, I see that book. To be honest, it's put me off. So I've had a lazy release week. I was on my publisher's blog on Tuesday and today I'm on the Manic Readers blog where I'm talking about, um, T-shirts. I'm also giving away a digital copy of Silent Witness. Please come along and say hi!
Goodbye … No, I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily. No, I'm saying goodbye to my lovely followers. Google, in its wisdom, decided to abandon Google Friend Connect for all non-Blogger blogs. This means that anyone using independent blogging platforms or WordPress, etc., lost their followers badge thingy on March 1st. Google wants everyone to migrate to Google+. I find it infuriating - and I only left Blogger in the first place because I thought it was too high-handed. I am on Google+ (there's a button on the left if you'd like to add me or if you'd like an invite) but I keep forgetting about it. I have been trying to get this blog on Facebook's Networked Blogs (there's a button on the left to follow it there) and I "think" it's working now. I gather there are a few bugs there to be ironed out because of Facebook's decision to change things around. Sigh.
So the weekend's rolled round again. How did that happen? Plans, anyone? I resisted the temptation to watch Those Who Kill last night because I wanted an early night so I have that to look forward to tonight. Yippee! For those who don't know, Those Who Kill is a Danish crime series, one that focuses on why the killer kills, and it's brilliant.

On Saturday afternoon I'll be cheering on the mighty Clarets when they take on Crystal Palace. On Sunday, I'm hoping to visit Hollingworth Lake and take in the wonderful spring sunshine (yeah, right. Sunshine in Lancashire? I think not...).

What will you be up to this weekend?