I spend hours on Facebook and Twitter every day so this poor old blog gets forgotten. I've thought about killing it off completely but decided I'd be too sad to see it go. After all, one of these days, I might have something of interest to say.(Don't hold your breath.)
So - drum roll here - I'm planning to resurrect the blog and I need your help. As I have so little to say for myself, I'm going to invite my author friends to take over once a week. So why do I need your help? I want to know what you'd like to hear authors talking about. I don't know about you, but I get sick to death of authors doing the whole promote, promote, promote thing, so I want something different and I'm hoping you'll suggest some really interesting questions for me to throw at them. As an incentive, and as a thank you for doing all the hard work for me, there will be prizes (a signed paperback, maybe chocolate - yes, chocolate) for the three people who come up with questions that I like the most. Easy, yes? Just leave suggestions in the comments and I'll announce the winners next Friday.
Meanwhile, I'll be doing the usual - walking dogs in the pouring rain (sigh), worrying about friends in the flooded south of the UK, playing with my new bread making machine (yummy), watching football (Burnley FC are 2nd in the league - yes, 2nd!), reading, catching up on episodes of The Following (love all those cliffhangers) and, um, writing the odd word or two.
Have a great week!