When a new year comes around, I tend to breathe deeply and take stock of my life. After vowing to make more time for friends and family, I usually remember the approaching deadline (20th Jan in this case ... which doesn't sound too bad if you close your eyes and say it quickly) and then race through another twelve months. This year, however, the writing world, especially the romance writing world, has lost a very special person. We were all shocked and saddened to learn of Penny Jordan's death. I can't claim to have known Penny well as we only met a couple of times, but I've spent many years admiring the talent and professionalism that produced 200 books and sold 70 million copies. More than that, I've admired her eagerness to help new and aspiring writers. She was always quick with a friendly word, very chic, elegant and extremely talented. She was also far too young to die.
I shall try to learn from her example. No, I can't be elegant or chic, and the thought of writing 200 books brings me out in a rash, but I can take more time and make more effort to be as lovely, generous and thoughtful a person as she was. We all can. Let's all be kind to each other this year, eh? What do you think?
Rest in peace, Penny.