…is slowly being resumed at Chez Wells. A huge thank you for your lovely comments and virtual hugs. I can't tell you how much they helped. The house is very empty without Muffet and I still keep looking for him, getting two feeding bowls ready, preparing to step over him to get to my chair and all the other stuff. Tilly is still looking for her canine friend too which is sad to see. She can't understand where he is is. But life goes on.
In case you missed it, I have to draw your attention to the picture the lovely Susan Alison left with her comment. Isn't it wonderful? (It makes me cry, but in a good way.)

You can see more of Susan's fabulous artwork and find out about her books on Monty and Rosie's blog.
It hasn't been all doom and gloom this week. I had lovely reviews for Silent Witness from That's What I'm Talking About and Night Owl Reviews. Thank you, lovely reviewers! I saw the revised cover for Dead Calm and it's still gorgeous. It was tweaked slightly to fit in the with the cover for the anthology and, yes, I will share as soon as I'm able.
The release date for Dying Art is November 12 and, um, I haven't finished it yet. I'm racing to my deadline with a small degree of confidence. So if you don't see me around much next week, you'll know I have my head down getting that done. And if you do see me around, crack the whip and send me back to the story.
Have a great weekend, all, and thank you again for all those lovely comments!