I say this every year but I can't believe Christmas takes up so much time. All I seem to have done this week is chase around doing Christmas stuff. I think it's all done now. The house is trimmed, the gifts delivered, and the food and drink bought. I was dreading doing The Big Shop last night but it was quite entertaining. I've never seen so many harassed men in one place. They all wore glazed, slightly panicked expressions. Great fun! (Not so much fun when we reached the checkout and had to pay for it all … I had to revive Nick.)
A reminder that, throughout December, Not Your Usual Suspects are indulging in festive fun with jokes, recipes and a whole load of other stuff. Added to that, there are ebooks to be won. Lots of 'em.
A huge thank you to all newsletter subscribers who've entered my competition to win the signed hardbacks and ebooks. I've been inundated! Thank you for making me feel all warm, fuzzy and loved. I'll announce the winners' names when I send out the January newsletter.
I was hoping for a white Christmas, like last year, but sadly, it's not to be. Lancashire has quite mild temperatures, boring grey skies and torrential rain. It's supposed to stay like this for days too. Boo hiss. (This photo was taken on Christmas Day last year. Lovely, lovely snow.)

So what's anyone doing for Christmas? Do share. I'm curious. I shall be eating, drinking, watching bad films and generally being merry on Christmas Day. I shall arise on Boxing Day, minus hangover I hope, to spend the afternoon at Turf Moor watching the mighty Clarets take on Doncaster Rovers. (It isn't Christmas without the Boxing Day football match.) On Boxing Day evening - ooh, I may have another drink and a few more festive nibbles.
Whatever you're doing, I wish each and every one of you a very merry Christmas. For those who don't celebrate, I wish you happy holidays.
See you on the other side!