I have to admit that today's Google Doodle is super cute and I love Pretty Woman and Love Actually as much as the next person. That said, I've reached the conclusion that I'm simply not romantic. I wonder if it's an age thing?
This morning's exchange with the man of my dreams went like this:
Me: God, is it that time already? Oh, happy Valentine's Day. (fumble around in near darkness for card and hand it over)
Nick: Ah. Now then, do you remember when you forgot our wedding anniversary...?
And that was that. Valentine's Day done and dusted.
I do feel for those of you who can't, for whatever reason, celebrate with the one you love. I can understand how that feels because the first anniversary of my dad's death coincided with Father's Day. I wanted to scream every time a 'make him happy this Father's Day' ad came on TV and I did my best to avoid all the shops that were heaving with cards. For those of you who feel the same about Valentine's Day, you have my sympathy.
So will the man of my dreams arrive home this evening having booked a limo to take me to an exclusive restaurant so that I can be wined and dined in style? No. At least, he hadn't better. I have far more important things to do with my evening. I shall be here.

Yes, I'll be in my seat, in the freezing cold, cheering on the mighty Clarets and hoping they bag the three points on offer. Dinner will consist of my lucky pre-match burger. And I can't think of a better way to spend an evening.
How will you be spending the day?
Whether you love it or loathe it, I hope this Valentine's Day is kind to you.