Most of you will know that I finally plucked up courage to change my domain host. I've put up with their high-handed inefficiency - and most emails from them were in German - for more than 6 years. Each time I thought of changing provider, I shuddered at the downtime that could be involved. However, I decided enough was enough and went for it. And yes, there was downtime. I was without a website for around 24 hours and without email for almost a week. *shudder*
However, as you'll see, I'm up and running with a lovely new super-efficient and wonderfully helpful domain hosting company. Yay!
While I was chewing my fingernails waiting for normal service to resume, I sorted out my study and I have print copies of Presumed Dead to give away. There are 2 copies up for grabs and you can enter on my new 'Giveaway' page. (I confess - I'm trying a new giveaway gadget thingy and I'm not sure how it will work… Shout if you have problems.)
In other news, we've had rain. Serious rain. So much for that drought they were talking about, eh? Thankfully, we live up a very steep hill so we've been fine but houses and businesses down in the town have been flooded. They have my utmost sympathy. It's just awful.
And still it rains. I should be sitting in the garden with a glass of something tasty and chilled, but there's no hope of that.

Oh yes, and I had a birthday on Sunday. It was jolly nice and involved lots of flowers, champagne, chocolate, dinner out … but birthdays are probably best forgotten about at my age. Even I can't believe how old I am.
So that's my news. How is life with you? I want all the news and gossip.