When I'm staring at a screen and the only words I've managed to write are Chapter and One, I can never imagine cobbling together 80-90,000 words. Somehow, it all comes together though and yesterday, I hit the Send button. Yes, Deadly Shadows landed in my editor's Inbox yesterday morning. Yeehah!

I thought I'd take the day off. Maybe celebrate with a cupcake and a glass of something good. Tidy my desk perhaps. While I was deciding exactly how to celebrate, I had an email from my editor telling me to expect the first round of edits within the week. (She's a hard taskmaster. :))
I know some authors feel at a loss when a book's finished. They hate saying goodbye to their characters. I never do. By the time I've hit send, I'm glad to see the back of it. When I've dealt with the usual three rounds of edits, I will really be glad to see the back of it.
Whether my editor likes Deadly Shadows remains to be seen. I hope so! Fingers crossed, everyone.
Today then, I'll tidy my desk. Tomorrow, I'll think about starting on the next one, Fatal Vengeance. Think of me staring at the screen with only two words written - Chapter One - and panicking that I'll never manage 80-90,000 words...