I hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was excellent. Saturday included a fantastic win for Burnley FC and yesterday - drum roll here - the sun shone in Lancashire. Yes, really. There were hints of it on Friday and Saturday, but yesterday was glorious. Cold, but really, really sunny.
To celebrate this rare event, we went to Lytham - home of the Lytham Windmill.

The sunshine was such a surprise that strange things took to the skies. This squid was pretty good

And this dragon was, um, a bit of a failure.

This poor chap was most bewildered by it all.

Today, however, it's the Monday before Deadline Day so I must get my head down and make sure DEAD CALM lands on my editor's desk on Friday. (DEAD CALM is a Dylan Scott novella, to be published in June.)
So I'm out of here. Have a good week and I'll catch you on Friday!