When my internet is down, I get - twitchy. I use it for work, for keeping in touch with friends, for keeping up with news and a dozen other things. BUT it is a bit of a time suck.
Today, I really need to work - i.e. get some words written - and I know that, if I'm attached to the internet, that's not going to happen. This is how my day goes: I nip onto Twitter to see what everyone's up to, I see an interesting link that someone's shared so I check that out, once there I see a review for a book that looks like one I'd enjoy so I nip across to Amazon to order said book, Amazon sells me a couple more books, I email a friend to see if she's read any of my purchases, I decide it's time for coffee and spend a "few minutes" catching up on blogs...
Then I descend into the realms of this Chris Madden cartoon...
So I'm switching off. Yes, I am. I am disconnecting my internet for at least five hours. I shall do nothing but write. No emails, no Twitter or Facebook. Will I survive? We'll see.
Do you ever resort to switching off your internet connection? Or don't you need to? Perhaps you're made of sterner stuff than me...