I opened a parcel yesterday that contained my author copies of the audio editions of The Broken Circle produced by the lovely people at Magna Story Sound. I say editions because one case contained nine CDs and the other held nine cassettes.
Nick looked on in some surprise, gave me one of his looks and said "Does anyone actually use cassettes these days?"
"Um, well...," I said. "They might. These are primarily for libraries so some borrowers might like cassettes."
But do they?
My private investigator Dylan Scott books are available as audio downloads from Audible.com but the audio editions of my forensic psychologist Jill Kennedy books appear in CD and cassette format.
So tell me...
Do you listen to audiobooks at all? I rarely do. I can't bear to listen to my own because the characters' voices are so different to the sounds I have in my head. On the odd occasions I have listened to books, I've found myself too easily distracted.
What about cassettes? Do you play cassettes? Can you play cassettes? I can't.