Happy Monday, everyone. I started the week with a trip to the dentist for a checkup and the hygienist for the usual torture. I do hope your Monday morning was better than mine. Mind you, I did get my own back. Last night, I was tucking in to a delicious chilli with lots of garlic bread. I'd almost finished when I had the "Aaargh - I can't eat garlic, I have to visit the dentist in the morning" moment. I'd forgotten all about it. Ahem. Too late...
I've just sent out my latest newsletter but, as I know they can be delayed in cyberspace, and as I know myself that sometimes I'm too busy to open newsletters, I want to give the winners a shout out here.
Winner of the signed copy of Into the Shadows (hardback) - Jane P
Winner of the signed copy of Where Petals Fall (hardback) - Sue D
Winners of the digital copies of Shades of Evil - Lois H and Peter H
Winners of the digital copies of Presumed Dead - Jan C and Lynne L
(Many congratulations to the winners. Emails will be on their way to you very shortly.)
I have the first lot of edits in for Dead Calm (that was quick, wasn't it?) so that's my week sorted. I'd better get my head down and get busy. How about you? What plans do you have for the week? Anything exciting?