Ads to leave you speechless

In our house, we have conversations that go like this:

Me: "I need a shelf putting up in my study."

Nick: "Well, don't make too much mess. Make sure you Hoover up after yourself."

Me: "Ha, ha. Very funny."

or this:

Me: "I need some logs bringing up from the garage."

Nick: "Do you? If I were you, I'd make two trips. They're quite heavy."

Me: "Ah, you're a shining wit."

Which probably explains why I've never paid much attention to feminism. I've been too busy waiting for A Man to bring in the wood, fix the car and deal with dead things the cat brings in. 

So that's the man's role in life - doing all the heavy, dirty and horrible jobs. 

But what's a woman's role? Who knows? Not me. I don't seem to have one - so these ads from the 1950s had my jaw dropping. Really, I was almost speechless. Take a look:

(I would kill anyone who gave me a Hoover for Christmas. Kill them very slowly…)

("That's what wives are for"?!? This wife doesn't cook unless there's a full moon and a Z in the month.)


You can see the full article, with more jaw dropping ads, here.

© Shirley Wells 2016